STREAM Festival

Within a Project Management course at MiraCosta College, we assembled teams to produce a project from conception to close. Our team coordinated the MCC Design Department's contribution to the 2018 STREAM (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art, Math) festival.


Feb - May (2018)

  • introduce the concept of design to the children visiting the STREAM festival
  • provide information to those wishing to pursue Design as a field of study
  • exhibit services and machinery available through the lab

See our full project charter here.


Graphic design, model frabrication, virtual 3D model tours

Team Architecture

We wanted to provide children with the most holistic view of design we could offer. To work more efficiently, we broke into two major groups: Architectural and Mechanical. We all ideated on activities for kids that would be both educational and engaging. I led the Architectual team and together we created Boxburgh, a cardboard city space for children to build and explore architecture.

STREAM graphics
Floor Plan Activity

To prepare Boxburgh, we laser cut carboard walls that were easily interchangable and fit together snuggly. We wanted to expose kids to the technical side of architecture. Drawing on my experience with educational enrichment, I created simple bird's-eye view floorplans and furniture to fill the layouts (above). See the layout files here. On the day of the event, we offered lab tours, 3D bust scanning/prints, CAD tutorials, prototyping displays, and more! I helped children step through a CAD model of a museum I created in Revit, on our lab's Occulus Rift (virtual reality head set).

Project Website

Using GoogleSites, I created and managed our project website throughout the semester. In addition to providing basic festival information to potential visitors, the site contains all of our project documentation and a project conclusion. Visit the site here.

Team T-shirts

In addition to creating interactive learning environments for the children attending, we raised enough money to buy the lab a new 3D printer and order custom t-shirts for our team and volunteers. We wanted shirts that conveyed the uniqueness of our department, but could also be worn after the event as a token of our gratitude. I wanted to design something that expressed how design is more than just making things look pretty; design is a problem solving tool that encompasses every discipline of the STREAM festival. I created a number of options, all of which can be seen here. The team voted on these shirts with the a quote that we all agreed best described what design meant to us.
